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10 Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before You Die

Joshua Singh • April 15, 2019
Sooner or later we come to realise that we’re getting older, time is running out and life will soon come to an end. The question I challenge myself with is: Have I achieved my purpose? 

Did I really fully live or did I just exist? I have people come to me and ask me, “Josh, I don’t know what I’m doing in life? I don’t know what I should focus on…”

I’ve learnt over time these questions below lead me to discover what path I should pursue.

What is my deepest desire? Beyond the emotions, feelings, ups and downs, what is the one wish that you long for?

What is my passion? You have many passions, select one, don’t just feel your passion (feelings don’t last) pursue your passion

What makes me angry? See your frustration as a motivation to move to the next level. Sometimes frustration is a sign that something needs shifted in your life

What ideas are persistent? Regardless of a changing environment what ideas, thoughts, visions stick by

What do I constantly imagine? Think about what you’re thinking about; track your thought patterns.

What do I want to do for humanity? Ronald Reagan once said “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone” May I suggest, rather than envisioning to change the world, think about what you can do for at least one person and teach that person to do the same.

What are my recurring dreams? Take a note of the dream that keeps recurring. Dreams that you can vividly remember hold to has deeper significance

What brings me the greatest fulfilment? This question goes beyond just a sense of happiness and joy, what truly gives you that sense of satisfaction?

What could I do forever even if there was no monetary compensation? I believe this question is difficult to grasp because we’re wired to expect money when we work.

What would I rather be doing? If I could stop you now regardless of whatever you are doing, would you choose to do something other than what you’re doing now?

Choose to live life wisely by questioning where you are going in life.

Questions demand answers if you’ll be honest with yourself you experience the reward of being true to yourself. 

Trust me, people who can’t be true to themselves don’t even scratch the surface of their potential and purpose.
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By Joshua Singh August 7, 2019
The term ministry is understood and interpreted differently by many people in the kingdom. So don’t go into ministry to be personally famous or because you are ambitious. Go into ministry because you know God has called you. As I write my thesis and near its completion, I wanted to share my thoughts so far on my journey. It’s been delightful to be a part of a wonderful church and to walk through the process of becoming who God is calling me to be. The call to ministry is a call to equip and empower the people of God for a unique purpose, and expansion of the kingdom. Here are three ideas I have learnt so far in the last couple of months Embrace Process In a generation of instant gratification, ‘process’ is a word that is completely overlooked and undermined. God has clearly been showing me the power of process and how significant it is to the development of a man or woman of God. I would encourage every young person not to rush the process but to work on the character. Running away from process delays your appointed time. Don’t focus on being a big minister, focus on being an effective minister. Prophetic words are an indication of where God may want to take you, but ask God to show you his process and a path. The ‘process’ is a season to develop intimacy and become conversational with God, learning his ways. The process develops your dependency on the Holy Spirit. The process eliminates junk Eliminate Pride If you go into ministry desiring a platform to preach you might not last because the foundation is weak. Pride is a subtle tactic of the enemy. Offence deals with pride Offence tests the condition of your heart Offences will affect your intimacy with God Preachers, teachers, elders, leaders, whoever you are: God tests your heart through the offence! And if you’ve been in church long enough you’ll know that one of the major reasons for people leaving the church is an undealt offence. I think if you’re going to eliminate pride, you need to be processing every offence out of your life or else it becomes a future trap for the enemy to use against you. I love Jesus, He had such a big heart that offence had no room. Extreme Passion If you are in ministry, in order to last you need to have a passion for people. God’s heart is for his children and if there is no passion to see people succeed and to see them fulfilling their purpose then you might just have a career and not a calling. I know today that there are many in ministry that are not serving for people but for a paycheck. One of the things I have reminded myself constantly is that God’s work really matters and that I have ability to influence whether people will be with God or away from God, for eternity. This article is written for the purpose of helping young people thinking to join the ministry or already in ministry so that they keep the focus on Jesus.
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By Joshua Singh August 7, 2019
Every human being is a spirit man that has a soul that lives in a body. God uses all three parts to build his kingdom. When you’re saved your spirit man is justified before God. In other words, God sees you through the eyes of Jesus as you stand in his righteousness. However, as you come into the kingdom, one intention of the Holy Spirit is to regenerate your SOUL and take you in the journey of sanctification. Sanctification is the process of being purified and processed so that you can produce more fruit for God. My article is not so much about the spirit man, it’s about your soul. I truly believe in the power of the soul and it’s impact on a persons life when it is healthy. The soul is made up of mind, will and emotions. Sanctification is a LIFE LONG PROCESS…. Please never think that when you are saved you will never have pride Or that you will never be offended or hurt, or attacked…. No. I believe many reading this may have been hurt in the past through unmet expectations, broken relationships, a divorce, an undealt offence, or have buried it rather than dealt with it. I want to highlight how offence continues to work in the soul if it not processed. Person A says something to Person B that hurts the heart. Person B can do three things 1 – Go into isolation, bury the issue, never talk openly to a wise person 2 – Go to the Pastor or leader to complain 3 – Go to Person A and restore, reconcile the relationship and move on Most people do 1 and 2 but do not openly go to the person who has hurt them and talk about what the issue is. If you do not deal with the root of offence you live a very unfulfilled life and your perception of people may alter over time. I know some great people with potential that have snuffed out God’s dreams for their life simply because they hold onto things of the past. Do you realise that if Person B is holding grudges and refuses to let go of past wrongs; this type of emotional wound is yoked to a spirit of bitterness and infirmity that can manifest in various crippling illnesses? Do you realise that God is calling you to live in freedom? Friend, my encouragement to you is simple. Dealing with your offended spirit requires you to go and make peace with the person and admit that you’re hurt and reconcile as soon as you can. Pursue peace with all men, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord, watching diligently so that no one falls short of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness spring up to cause trouble, and many become defiled by it. — Hebrews 12:14 – 15 P.S Don’t post your hurts on Facebook. Prayer for Offense Thank You, Lord, that I walk in love. You said in 1 Corinthians 13 that love is patient and kind. I confess that I am patient with others and I am kind. I do not keep track of wrongs. I do not hold grudges. I am free from offense. I break the power of offense off my life in the name of Jesus. I choose to walk in forgiveness toward others. I choose to release all pain and wounds. Father, I thank You for Your nature, Your love, and Your mercy operating in me toward others. I release all hurts, and I declare Your love is washing over me now in Jesus’s name.
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